Executive Committee
Maureen Carswell
I fell in love with enamelling many years ago and am still totally captivated. As the founder of the BSOE, I was its chairman for the first five years and have spent many more years variously as secretary and membership secretary. I have taught many short courses and had the pleasure of working with Soviet and international enamellers in Palanga, Lithuania in 1990 and later invited to work in the International enamel workshops in Keckemet, Hungary in 1991 and 1993.I have served on the numerous juries and panels for international exhibition such as the Limoges Biennale.
Miranda Sharpe
After studying for an MA at the Birmingham School of Jewellery, I launched my business from the Birmingham Jewellery Quarter in 2001 becoming a part of the vibrant making community there. I have shown my work widely across the UK and ventured into the international market. My first introduction to enamelling was an evening class whilst studying for my MA, led by Penny Gildea. My early collections featured some enamel work but I also used resin with silver which became my dominant material for some years. Needing a change and fresh inspiration I revisited enamel around 2010 and haven’t looked back.
Bethan Jones
As a jeweller I enjoy incorporating enamel into my work. Enamelling forces you to take the perspective of the student, always exploring the possibilities available and honing the successful processes. The range of results that can be achieved through enamelling and being exposed to so many styles here at the BSoE is an endless source of inspiration. I joined the society as a bursary member in 2012 and have become more involved as my enthusiasm for enamelling and its community has grown.
Navah Langmeyer
A mathematician by training and employment, I took up metalwork and jewelry making at the Baltimore Jewelry Center in 2016 and discovered my particular passion for enameling there in the winter of 2019. In early 2020, I started working primarily with a kiln and basic tools in my home. My creations are a vibrant mix of contemporary design and traditional enamelling, inspired by my mathematical background, love of water, British landscapes, and the materials with which I work. Working from my home studio, I experiment with colour, texture, and modularity, creating visually striking, interactive pieces. My jewellery often incorporates movement, encouraging engagement.
Kathryn Willis
I was introduced to enamelling by Ros Conway whilst on my jewellery degree at Middlesex University. From that day I was hooked, loving the ability to play with layers of colour and pattern in a similar way to printmaking. My work draws inspiration from my local Welsh landscape and textile heritage as well as recurrent themes of growth, repetition and nature. I am a Member of the Makers Guild in Wales, exhibit at various galleries and teach part time.
Belinda Coyne
My current work is inspired by ancient geological landscapes and the hidden traces of ancestral life. Referring to ordnance survey maps and physically walking the landscape, I trace and record tumuli, dew ponds, paths, river beds and other evidence of past life.
Through the medium of steel and kiln fired vitreous enamel I layer diagrammatic notation with a poetic, visceral response producing folding pocket maps, rulers, measuring sticks and wall panels. I don’t try to represent the landscape, rather foster a sense of placement within space through my use of materials and mark making.
I am interested in creating work that engages with a wider audience and explores the communicative potential of Craft whilst also investigating the challenges of working at (for enamel) a relatively large scale.
Cathy Timbrell
I trained and worked as a biochemical scientist for all of my working life but jewellery making was always my hobby. I was initially taught by my brother, then following early retirement I took my first of many courses in enamelling with Joan Mackarell. Enamelling became an important addition to my work by the introduction of vibrant colours in addition to set stones. Subsequently, I discovered the magic of enamelling on copper, first copper bowls then panels. The possibilities of experimentation and mixing techniques, breaking the rules and introducing other materials into enamels has been the most recent interest. My inspiration for pieces is very varied, but often shorelines, trees and buildings are a starting point, with an Art deco or Japanese feel. And I love to make brooches!
As a founder member of the Buckinghamshire Craft Guild, I enjoy demonstrating the processes that go into an enamelled pieces as we aim to promote these skills as well as other crafts to the visitors at the gallery.
Kate Rieppel
Committee Member
Diane Wilson
Bursary Members’ Representative
I first discovered enamelling whilst studying BA (Hons) Design Crafts at Swansea College of Art (UWTSD).
A keen photographer, my preferred enamelling process is the addition of waterslide decals to enamelled steel. My degree show featured a collection of family photographs, some dating back to the 1930’s, whilst ‘Polaroid’ style enamelled sea images have been featured at Mission Gallery Swansea. Swansea has strong links to both copper and the sea; fascinated by the reaction of white enamel when introduced to copper mesh and copper sheet, my intention is to explore this further.
With so much still to learn I am grateful for the bursary award and the ongoing support of BSOE as I continue my enamelling journey.